Saturday, July 23, 2011 by Mark Amerika soon to launch

According to his twitter stream, Mark Amerika's forthcoming Web site will be launching in the next week or two.

Meanwhile, this just out at Authoring Software:
UMP will publish Mark Amerika's remixthebook in September of 2011, and the print book will be accompanied by an extensive website with collaborative components.

"remixthebook is a hybrid publication and performance project that has both print and digital features," says Mark Amerika, whose work includes the seminal new media trilogy GRAMMATRON, PHON:E:ME, and FILMTEXT. "The print book is a series of remixed texts that mash-up contemporary art theory with personal narrative, poetry, comedy and the history of remix practices. It reads like a kind of performance art manifesto that attempts to challenge traditional scholarly discourse while maintaining an allegiance to intellectual writing."

Keywords: Mark Amerika, remixthebook, Authoring Software, hybrid publication,