The new video book trailer for Mark Amerika's remixthebook is out. Referred to as "a provocative textual performance that is at once a dazzling model of the literary remix and a state-of-the-art reflection on remix culture," the video includes beautiful images of scrolling text and nature shots mashed up with some kind of 3-D text apparatus and a soundtrack by Chad Mossholder that reminds me of Amerika's earlier sound experiments in FILMTEXT.
Given Amerika's long-held view that text, or creative and conceptual writing, i.e. language art, needs to be reconfigured for the digital fields of distribution, it should come as no surprise that here he attempts to capture "the unique and continually shifting digital moment in which we live and situates the remix as an art form and literary intervention." To coincide with the publication of remixthebook, Amerika will launch a companion website,, to facilitate new ways of participating in remix culture. In this regard, the site will include work from an array of international artists and writers who will themselves create remixthebook mashups of their own, pushing the boundaries of art and literary culture further, beyond the current publishing paradigms.
According to YouTube, here's who is already involved in the project via the video book trailer:
Video Remix: Rick Silva
Audio: Chad Mossholder
Micro-Cam Footage: Mark McCoin
Voice: Mark Amerika
Metadata: Mark Amerika, remixthebook, video book trailer